Feb 21, 2011

Fw: [SMSJ77] Entrepreneur and the Fisherman

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From: Bustamam Harun <bustamam@gmail.com>
To: SMSJ77@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 10:49:58 PM
Subject: [SMSJ77] Entrepreneur and the Fisherman

Dedicated to all our brave friends men and women, who took the unpopular route of life to dedicate their time with their families. Especially, my classmate Mohsin.

A wealthy entrepreneur from New York went on a two-week seaside holiday
on the coast of Costa Rica. On his first day there, he was impressed
with the quality and taste of the exotic fish he bought from a local
fisherman. The next day, the American encountered the native Costa
Rican at the dock, but the Costa Rican had already sold his catch.
The American discovered that the fisherman had a secret fishing spot
where the fish were plenty and the quality superb. He only caught
five or six fish a day, however.
The New Yorker asked the local fisherman why he didn't stay out longer
at sea and catch more fish.
"But Señor," the fisherman replied, "I sleep in late until nine or
ten every morning; I play with my children; I go fishing for an hour
or two; in the afternoon I take a one- or two-hour siesta; in the
early evening I have a relaxing meal with my family; and later in
the evening, I go to the village and drink wine, play guitar, and
sing with my amigos. As you can see, I have a full, relaxed, satisfying,
and happy life."
"You should catch a lot more fish," the American declared. "That way
you can prepare for a prosperous future. Look, I am a businessman
from New York and I can help you become a lot more successful in life.
I received an MBA from Harvard, and I know a lot about business and
The American continued, "The way to prepare for the future is to get
up early in the morning and spend the whole day fishing, even going
back for more in the evening. In no time, with the extra money, you
could buy a bigger boat. Two years from now, you can have five or
six boats that you can rent to other fishermen. In another five years,
with all the fish you will control, you can build a fish plant and
even have your own brand of fish products."
"Then, in another six or seven years," the American rambled on, while
the Costa Rican looked more and more bewildered, "you can leave here
and move to New York or San Francisco, and have someone else run your
factory while you market your products. If you work hard for fifteen
or twenty years, you could become a multimillionaire. Then you wouldn't
have to work another day for the rest of your life."
"What would I do then, Señor?" responded the fisherman.
Without any hesitation, the wealthy American businessman enthusiastically
proclaimed, "Then you will be able to move to a little village in
some laid-back country like Mexico where you can sleep in late every
day, play with the village children, take a long siesta every afternoon,
eat meals while relaxing in the evening, and play guitar, sing, and
drink wine with your amigos every night."

Tengok video kalau malas nak baca ....

Feb 10, 2011

Fw: Lawatan Menteri ke SMSJ 1979

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From: azhar aziz <777azhar@gmail.com>
To: Alimor Sipon <alimorsipon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Mon, February 7, 2011 6:41:01 PM
Subject: Lawatan Menteri ke SMSJ 1979


Feb 8, 2011

Fw: Mogab dengan misi menyelamat

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Ahamad Kamel Ismail <akamel.ismail@gmail.com>
To: Alimor Sipon <alimorsipon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tue, February 8, 2011 4:24:25 PM
Subject: Mogab dengan misi menyelamat

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Malam tadi sempat bawa Mohd Ghaffar Abu Bakar ke Madinatul Hujjaj. Beliau di amanahkan oleh jiran beliau untuk bawa balik anak yang berumur 11 yang sedang belajar tahfiz di Mesir. Alhamdulillah, kanak kanak tersebut dapat pulang hari ini walaupun bukan bersama Mogab. 

Yang baju biru adalah anak Mohamad Maelah (SMSJ 79).  Mohamad minta tolong locate anak beliau. 

Keseluruhannya keadaan di sini ok. Kemudahan walaupun bukan macam hotel tetapi lengkap dengan wifi dan makanan yang mencukupi. Kelab Malaysia Jeddah dapat kumpulkan derma hampir SR50ribu dalam beberapa hari ini untuk menampung sebahagian keperluan. Keperluan utama disediakan oleh kerajaan.

Ada sesiapa yang mempunyai nombor Yusof Razak? 

شكراً لك

ولسعادتكم أطيب تحياتي 

Ahamad Kamel Ismail                        احمد كامل اسماعيل            
Jeddah 21381                                                       جدهKingdom of Saudi Arabia             المملكة العرلبية السعودية
Tel: +966 2 2880993           Fax: +966 2 2884199
HP: +966502906837

Feb 3, 2011

Reunion Kembali Lagi

Reunion 2011 SMSJ77 akan diadakan;

Tarikh: 2-3 Julai 2011 (Sabtu - Ahad)
Tempat: Air Keroh Country Resort (AKCR), Melaka

makluman/berita selanjutnya ....