Jun 13, 2010

Majlis Baca Yassin & Tahlil

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RuslanA said...

Salam kawan2 yg dihormati, i hv another jinx, again. Was admitted in Ampang Putri Hospital Thurs morning due to high fever, dah betul2 plan to attend the reunion, kebetulan wife and kids in Aus for 2 weeks vacation, memang dah cantik kalau dapat attend tapi... It wud be once in life time; tapi malangnya.. now still in APSH till Tues (or earlier). SALAM SEMUA DAN TAHNIAH DAPAT MENGHADIRI MAJLIS YG SGT BERSEJARAH INI..

Bustamam said...

Wa alaikum salam Lan. I'm not a believer in "jinx", everything happens for a reason which sometimes our mind just cannot comprehend.

Semuga Allah memberi syifa'. Take care of yourself, maybe you need a break from your busy schedule.