Salam Cikgu Jalil,
Saya turut berasa sedih atas apa yang berlaku sebelum cikgu datang ke reunion kami. Namun kami rasa amat bangga dan bertuah kerana kesungguhan yang tinggi untuk bersama kami semasa reunion yang bersejarah itu.

From: abdul jalil ishak <>
Sent: Thu, June 17, 2010 4:36:32 PM
Subject: Fw: SMSJ77 CONNEXION : Cikgu2 masa reunion 12 jun 2010
--- On Tue, 6/15/10, alimor sipon <> wrote:
dear alimor
assalamualaikum wrh wbt
it is indeed a very nice occasion i had ever attended. hope to see more ex students attend such meeting. thank you for your invitation. cngrat for the effort you put in to make the event a real happening.
sorry for being late. but my car with important documents was stolen at bukit beruntung. i asked my son to help snd me to smsj. that was why i was late. but that was no excuse. ihad been late to classes too. i had nice memories of smsj.
From: alimor sipon <>
Subject: SMSJ77 CONNEXION : Cikgu2 masa reunion 12 jun 2010
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 11:45 AM
alimor sipon has sent you a link to a blog:
Terima kasih kerana dapat bersama kami semasa reunion lepas. Mungkin kita boleh berjumpa lagi di masa akan datang.
Post: Cikgu2 masa reunion 12 jun 2010
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Tq dan tahniah Cg Jalil.
Kalau boleh semua ex students dpt mencontohi semangat Cikgu Jalil untok bersama memeriahkan reunion2 yg akan datang walaupun banyak halangan yg merintang. Kalau rambut n janggut engkau putih Lil rupa kau mirip A. Samad Said. And Asri, gambar yg diattach ni gambar tahun berapa ya. Lain saja muka.
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